I spent 8 weeks in Bologna (Italy) during my summer for SoHPC.It was a great experience to do for multiple reasons : First and foremost, I discovered a new country : Italy ! It’s always an awesome experience to uncover …

What I learned during Summer of HPC Read More »

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During my summer of HPC I combined a low level acquisition program with a database to create a beautiful dashboard monitoring jobs runtime. In other word, visualize in real time execution of parallelized program(A better view for saving energy in …

Job execution dashboard for HPC Read More »

From left to right: My supervisor Mary Kate, me and my girlfriend Eva Maria. Actually, I thought the last blogpost would be my last, but after a fortunate encounter in September, I have to publish this short post. Eventually, we …

Online? On-site! Read More »

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Schnitzel Lady writes,I miss the Turkish Coffee Ceremonies in Vienna Technical University, IT department. And of course, ‘Ich möhte eine Melange , bitte‘. 🙂 First of all, I am very happy to have been selected for this project and to …

Vienna ,Es war sehr schön, es hat mich sehr gefreut ! Read More »

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As the internship has come to an end and my time in Paris is over, I find it as good a time as any to reflect on my experience. I first came across the Summer of HPC program as I …

Au revoir and a small reflection… Read More »

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Hello and welcome back!  In my previous blog post, I gave an overview of the file types used to handle the large genomic data for analysis (which we use as the inputs for the toolkit JLOH), the resulting output files, …

Divide and Conquer Read More »

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Hello everyone, and welcome to my final post! In this post, I will present the 2 test cases I used to verify the 3-D laminar incompressible flow solver I developed during my project using the FEniCSx computational platform. The test …

At the end of this journey Read More »

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It’s unfortunately the end of the Summer of HPC 2022. It was an absolute blast to work on High Performance Quantum Fields for the past two months!. As mentioned in the previous blog post, the aim of this project was …

Benchmarking the Dirac Operator and a Goodbye Read More »

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Welcome to my final blog post! It was a great pleasure to share you all my progress in SoHPC 2022. It has truly been a wonderful journey both learning wise and building connections. In this blog post, I will share …

A new beginning from the end of SoHPC 2022 Read More »

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At last we reach the end of the SoHPC program. It has been amazing summer, and the participation in the SoHPC program was an exceptional experience. I am really happy with the results of our work as we put in …

The end. Read More »

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In my previous blog post, I gave you a quick crash course on how to simulate seismic wave propagation in an HPC environment. This is done through semi-discretization, meaning that we solve the spatial variables using a form of Finite …

Eigenvalue Problem in an HPC Environment? That sounds easy! Read More »

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Here we came to the end of the Summer of HPC. I would like to dedicate this post to explaining my experience and delivering our final product. First, business I talked previously about our project aim and what will be …

Hate to cut this short Read More »

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In this blog post, I will explain the fundamental theory behing simulating fermions on the lattice. In particular, I will discuss the application of staggered fermions in creating a kernel for the Staggered Dirac Operator using the Kokkos C++ template …

Benchmarking the Dirac Operator (Part 1) Read More »

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The summer is over, but my project is not! For the past 4 weeks, I’ve been working mostly on two things: translation to CUDA code of the most common matrix allocation function translation to CUDA code of the SpMV algorithm …

Goodbye, Luxembourg Read More »

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First, let’s start with some theory. I’m assuming that you, the reader, already know what a matrix is since it’s a really common concept to find in mathematics. What you may not know is the definition of a sparse matrix. …

How to optimize cache usage when multiplying sparse matrices in parallel Read More »

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As it’s time to say goodbye to my journey with PRACE, I would like to talk about my final days here and my experience with quantum algorithms. Quantum algorithms are algorithms that can be used in quantum computers.  We are …

Implementation of Quantum Algorithm Read More »

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After all these technical posts I would like to wrap up with a personal one, highlighting my experience and shining a light on the people I met along the way. The Summer of HPC 2022 was a really fun and, …

¡Adiós amigos y amigas! – it was a pleasure working with you! Read More »

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As I mentioned before, this project aims to develop a drug against viral ds-DNA, which is associated with Herpes Simplex Virus, Cytomegalovirus, Adenovirus type 5, SV40 Polyoma virus and Vaccinia virus.If viral DNA is blocked, it cannot replicate inside the …

How did We work for the Discovery of Candidate Drug Molecules? Read More »

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Unfortunately this moment had to come, and to be honest I barely felt the flow of the time during these 2 months here at Luxembourg, was a really ephemeral summer. But let’s go straight to the good news and present …

I can not simulate a farewell Read More »

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My Summer of HPC has been centered around the FMM algorithm which has been roughly explained in a previous post. Studying its fundamentals and its sequential implementation was very interesting but it’s time to say goodbye. I will use this …

Goodbye FMM! Read More »

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