Every phase has to come to an end, and it is inevitable to exonerate this moment from such a reality. Talking about my gains during this program. Hitherto, my exposure in Europe has been strictly about academic experiences. But, henceforth, …

The SoHPC 2022 lives on… Read More »

As much as neural networks keep exhibiting their importance, featuring in the success records of several research works. Building good performing neural networks models do not come by easily due to some factors like finding the most suitable parameters for …

Supercomputing: a good resource for deep learning application Read More »

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For instance, the advent of self-driving cars like the Autopilot by Tesla, the Audi pilot driving system, speech to recognition, pixel recursive super resolution of video games, recommender system application from e-commerce like Amazon suggesting suitable products, to social media …

Are you amazed by the technological advancements of the world lately…? Read More »

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Greetings to you all. My name is Ahmed Senior Ismail, and I’m a Nigerian. Hitherto, my educational studies were in Nigeria. However, just about a year ago, specifically at the end of my first master’s degree in mathematics, which I …

Ahmed Senior Ismail Read More »

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