Welcome to my third and final blog post. At the end of the previous post, I briefly explained the goals of this project. I talked about making LQCD simulations to extract a pion mass and find an input quark mass …

Results On Performing Hadron Spectroscopy With LQCD Read More »

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Hello everyone. It’s been a while since my previous post since PRACE SoHPC kept me busy! Before introducing my project to you, I would like to explain some basic concepts to clarify in advance some ambiguous scientific stuff you are …

Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics demystified Read More »

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Who am I? Hello stranger! My name is Apostolos Giannousas and I am 21 years old. I was born in Volos, Greece and I am a third year undergraduate Electrical and Computer Engineering student at the University of Thessaly. I …

Apostolos Giannousas Read More »

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