Hello all! In my previous blog post, I described the procedure we follow to calculate the thermal conductivity of damaged Tungsten. This will be my final blog post, and I will share my results. I investigated the thermal conductivity of …

Results and Concluding Remarks Read More »

In my previous blog post, I mentioned using classical molecular dynamics implemented in LAMMPS. Let’s dig a little into the procedure and learn how we calculate the thermal conductivity of damaged Tungsten. Although there are a massive collection of things …

Simulating the Damaged Tungsten for Thermal Conductivity Read More »

If you were to investigate the interaction of two atoms, where would you start? Let’s start thinking of the most uncomplicated atom, Hydrogen. Well, the most fundamental thing we know about them is that they obey the Schrödinger equation. Here …

How would you model a nanoscale atomistic simulation? Read More »

Hello everyone! My name is Arda Erbasan, and I am 25 years old. I completed my Physics Bachelor at Middle East Technical University in Türkiye. Currently, I am studying for a Master’s in Physics at the same university. From the …

Arda Erbasan Read More »

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