From left to right: My supervisor Mary Kate, me and my girlfriend Eva Maria. Actually, I thought the last blogpost would be my last, but after a fortunate encounter in September, I have to publish this short post. Eventually, we …

Online? On-site! Read More »

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After all these technical posts I would like to wrap up with a personal one, highlighting my experience and shining a light on the people I met along the way. The Summer of HPC 2022 was a really fun and, …

¡Adiós amigos y amigas! – it was a pleasure working with you! Read More »

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As I explained both the methods used as well as the field of application of my project in my last two blog posts, I now want to gather all the information and finally describe which simulations were carried out by …

Putting it all together – simulating irradiation damage and computing thermal conductivity Read More »

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The deuterium-tritium fusion reaction. Red are protons, grey are neutrons. © Dominik Freinberger My last blog post was devoted to giving an introduction on what molecular dynamics, the method I am working with this summer, is. In this post I …

Nuclear Fusion – a little bit of context Read More »

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A fluid consisting of two different species of atoms (red and blue). In my first blog post, I briefly announced that I would be working on molecular dynamics simulations in the course of my project this summer. Now that I …

Molecular dynamics – what is it all about? Read More »

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This is me staring at a blank sheet of paper. Hard facts About me Now that you know the hard facts, let me tell you a little bit more about me. I consider myself a curious individual who has always …

Hello World! This is me, Dominik Freinberger. Read More »

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